imenuva, bnazna/b~uva. charter n. [C] a written statement describing the rights that a particular group of people should have: the European Union's Social Charter of workers' rights. povelba. commissioner n. (usually Commissioner) b...../b Long bvacation/b. *One of the periods of time when schools, colleges, universities or courts of law are closed. * Leten raspust. 21. Teacher. *A person whose job is teaching, especially in a school. * U?itel/ Nastavnik/ Profesor/ Vospituva? ...
Tranquilos que cuando bnazna/b la ni?a, una convidá daré. Doy mi palabra de Mayoritaria. #1174 Rafalito Supercup dice: 21st Junio , 2006 a las 1:17 pm. EL CORLEONE INFORMÁTICO El Zaharaui, maricona informática, va por rachas como los b.../b